The Book on Salone2

Today, April 19th, it is finally available for booking on the website of the Graphe publisher ( Paola Biribanti's essay entitled "Palms, Dates and Laughter - The International Humor Exhibition in Bordighera -"
It is good news because it crowns the intense and thorough work that Paola has done to enclose the history of our event in a synthesis that is both usable and light. Here is the back cover:
What is the common denominator between Giovannino Guareschi, Giulio Andreotti, Mordillo, Jacovitti, Peynet, Renzo Arbore, Quino and Maurizio Costanzo? Having won the Palme d'Or at the International Humor Exhibition in Bordighera, which is the highest recognition of the first - and for a long time the only - event in the sector in Italy and around the world.
Born at the dawn of the Liberation and continued until the turn of the century, the Salone attracted humorists from all corners of the planet, overcoming cultural differences, language barriers and iron curtains.
From 1947 to 1999, between the end of July and the first days of August in the Ligurian city it was all a swarm of talents of pen and pencil, an assignment of palms and dates of gold and silver, a forging of friendships that became historic and a constantly encountering the sacred monsters of international humor.
In all that colorful and polyglot hustle and bustle, only in one place did calm reign: in Corso Italia n. 46, the stationery bookshop of Cesare Perfetto, owner of the Salone.
Drawing on archival material and with the complicity of numerous protagonists of the various editions, Paola Biribanti rekindled the spotlight on a unique and unrepeatable event, which opened a window on the world when the Internet was not there and lightly brought out the sides best of the Italian spirit.